You Can Lose Weight.

As we get older, one big worry is unexpected fat buildup. If we skip exercise and don't watch what we eat, belly fat is usually the first sign. This can lead to high blood sugar, rising cholesterol, more stress, cravings, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and weight gain. These issues often pop up more in our 30s and 40s if we aren't careful.

Lately, I've been seeing women in their 30s and 40s who can't seem to lose weight easily. One patient lost over 13 pounds but struggled despite eating less and exercising regularly. She felt tired all day and relied on coffee to stay awake.

When I checked, I found she ate lots of carbs and starch at every meal and had meat for dinner, leading to morning bloating. Stress made her overeat at dinner and wake up during the night. Her stress cortisol test showed high cortisol levels and poor metabolism causing weight gain.

I always tell my patients: diet is more important than exercise for weight loss, 20% exercise and 70-80% food. As we hit our 30s and 40s, our metabolism slows down, so focus on exercises that boost metabolism rather than extreme workouts. For those with cold bodies, a low body temperature can make it hard to break down fat. Measuring morning body temperature helps check metabolic activity. Then, combine the right exercise and diet to break down body fat.

Weight loss is possible. Even if you struggle with yo-yo dieting, keeping your metabolism smooth with good habits and exercise helps avoid it.

In our clinic, we use functional medicine for obesity treatment. We do stress cortisol or hormone tests and make personalized plans based on the results. We focus on weight loss through the right exercise, diet, nutritional plans, and supplements. Especially now, with the misuse of Ozempic, it's important to provide body-friendly treatments that don't harm health.