The reason I practice functional medicine is...

The Reason I Practice Functional Medicine

I'm drawn to practicing functional medicine because it enables me to provide patients with tangible evidence, such as the results of laboratory tests, which they can directly observe. This is a message I consistently impart to my patients. Our goal is to empower patients to actively participate in their treatment by witnessing how their bodies respond to chronic symptoms through these essential tests.

In my experience with functional medicine patients, the majority seek assistance in managing chronic symptoms. However, in some instances, our focus on short-term results may overshadow long-term goals and solutions, leading to a loss of clarity. This can result in confusion regarding our initial treatment goals and plans, creating challenges for both patients and doctors in achieving desired outcomes.

By establishing clear therapeutic goals and taking deliberate action, we can view each day as a step forward from our past selves. This approach allows us to lead a purpose-driven, restorative life, honing in on a single recovery-related objective amidst life's complexities.

The shift in our behavior from yesterday to today stems from a change in perspective and identity. When restoring health becomes our overarching vision, our thoughts and actions naturally align with it. Even if circumstances remain unchanged, embracing goal-oriented thoughts and actions propels us forward, fostering belief in better outcomes for our bodies in the future.

Yesterday, a patient whom I had treated before COVID visited my clinic. While I was thrilled to see her, our discussion revealed her heightened anxiety and stress due to numerous tests and puzzling symptoms. This emphasized the importance of detailed communication tailored to individual differences. Though our lengthy conversation didn't immediately lead to treatment, the opportunity to connect was invaluable, prompting the decision to initiate functional medicine treatment next week.

In functional medicine, a brief 5-10 minute discussion of test results with a patient is insufficient. More crucial than simply interpreting results is conveying the context behind them, enabling patients to grasp their significance. Thus, sometimes, discussing results holds greater importance than the initial consultation itself.

As we move towards wellness together, let's prioritize open communication and understanding, laying the groundwork for healing and optimal health.


Dr. Timothy J Kang, L.Ac, Ph. D, CFMP