"Navigating Hormonal Imbalances: Understanding Symptoms in Women"

"Navigating Hormonal Imbalances: Understanding Symptoms in Women"
Nowadays, there is a prevalence of various symptoms among female patients in their 30s and 40s.
- Depression or uncontrollable 'anger' due to stress
- Unresolved fatigue
- Secondary problems caused by hypothyroidism
- Estrogen hormone imbalance
- Early menopause
- Sleep deprivation or sleep disturbances
- Menstrual irregularities
- Decreased libido
- Fatigue and irritation occurring upon waking up (usually 30 minutes to 1 hour after waking up)
- Female hair loss
These days, many female patients are experiencing the aforementioned symptoms and seeking medical attention or examinations. Upon observing these symptoms, it becomes apparent that beyond the emotional manifestations that are difficult to control, there are also secondary and tertiary problems arising due to hormone imbalances.
When examining patients with these symptoms, one of the primary factors to consider is the patient's adrenal function. The adrenal gland, a small organ situated just above the kidneys, acts as a miniature factory producing crucial hormones such as DHEA and cortisol.
Before the stress signal reaches the adrenal gland, it first encounters stress in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the brain, which then transmits the signal to the adrenal gland. Subsequently, cortisol and DHEA hormones undergo metabolic processes to produce the right amount of hormones required by the body.
However, continuous stress, unresolved psychological conflicts, and persistent fatigue leading to difficulties waking up predominantly result in decreased adrenal function and reduced secretion of DHEA and cortisol hormones. Consequently, a range of symptoms ensue, potentially leading to various inflammatory conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to strive for timely regulation.
Regarding cortisol, two scenarios emerge. Some patients can cope with stress and overcome it mentally, while others endure until they become physically and mentally drained due to psychological conflicts. For women planning a family, such symptoms can create challenging environments beyond their expectations and may even lead to obesity. In such cases, a comprehensive hormonal status check through functional medical examinations would be beneficial.
Of course, for patients experiencing high levels of stress, personal efforts to manage stress are essential. Individuals with overwhelming thoughts may find organizing by taking notes helpful. In cases of depression or panic disorders, physical activity like walking can aid in releasing tension. Vagus Nerve Stimulation, a treatment involving nerve stimulation in the neck using vibrations, offers a means to alleviate symptoms like depression. Singing or humming is also an option that can be tried as part of one's lifestyle to relax the body.
However, when dealing with symptoms related to hormones, examining lab results before initiating treatment is the most effective approach. Particularly in recent times, estrogen dominance has been linked to fibrocystic tumors, endometriosis, and other tumors due to poor estrogen metabolism."